
What is Full View and how do I use it?

Full view, as opposed to Lite View, allows you to see all of the input options, some, or none at all per your preference. To convert to Full View, click on "Convert to Full View" in the top left-hand corner of the Input sheet. The link should have a bright yellow background. To convert back to Lite View, simply click the link again.

After converting to Full View, you can adjust the number of options and level of detail for each section by clicking on the "-", "1", "2", and "3" buttons for that section. For example, clicking on "1" for Electric Rates and Usage will show just a few rows of input fields, but clicking on "2" will show a lot more. The "-" button will hide its respective section.

You can also open every section to a certain level by either clicking on the "- 1 2 3" characters in the Color Legend at the top left corner. There are keyboard shortcuts for this too: Ctrl+0 will hide every section while Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2 and Ctrl+3 will open up all the sections to level 1, 2 and 3, respectively.

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