
How do I share data and settings?

Once the OnGrid Tool has been installed on your colleague's computer, customer data can be shared through OnGrid Sky, and most OnGrid Tool settings can be shared through the 'Share File' feature.

For info on syncing customer data via OnGrid Sky, please refer to the OnGrid Sky Guide and the Sky Sync Guide.

To Create a Share File:

  1. In the OnGrid Tool's Settings & Support sheet, under the "Share Files" section, click on the "Create User-Data Share File" link
  2. Select what kind of data you would like shared or transferred
  3. Click the 'Create Share File' button
  4. Name and specify the location of the new Share File

The Share File can be sent to whatever computer or whomever you would like. You can send it via email, flash drive, cloud storage, etc.

To Load a Share File:

  1. In the OnGrid Tool's Settings & Support sheet, under the "Share Files" section, click on the "Load From Share File" link
  2. Select what kind of data you would like to load (from amongst the options made available from the Share File creation process)
  3. Click the 'Load Now' button

The Share File feature will not export or import Proposal Workbook or Document Workbook customizations. To share those customizations, follow these steps:

  1. Send your Proposal or Document Workbook to your colleague via flash drive or cloud storage. Email may not be able to handle the file size.
  2. If your colleague has no customizations of their own, have him/her replace their Proposal or Document Workbook with yours via Copy and Paste.
  3. If they do have customizations, have them add your Workbook via the "Settings & Support" sheet -> "Proposal Workbooks" or "Document Workbooks" section -> "Add or Remove Proposal Workbook" or "Add or Remove Document Workbook" link.

Alternatively, you can use a cloud storage service like Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. to automatically share Proposal or Document Workbook customizations. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Copy your existing Proposal or Document Workbook and put it somewhere in the cloud storage folder (Dropbox folder, etc.)
  2. In the OnGrid Tool's Settings & Support sheet, go to to Proposal Workbooks or Document Workbooks section and click on the "Add or Remove Proposal Workbook" or "Add or Remove Proposal Workbook" link.
  3. Change the location of the selected Proposal or Document Workbook to the location in the cloud storage service.
  4. Have your colleague(s) also do steps #2 and #3.
  5. Any changes made to the workbook will affect everyone using it.

Running or using other OnGrid files from cloud storage is not recommended.

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