
How do I fix oversized images and charts?

This issue is caused by faulty behavior from the printer driver. Please make sure your printer driver is up-to-date first. If that doesn't work, please try the following:

If you're generating a PDF preview:

In Excel, please go to File -> Print and switch to another printer. If there is no other physical printer present, you can use the "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" in Windows. Then you can do a PDF preview as you'd normally would and print out a hard copy from the PDF preview if desired, using whatever printer you desire.

If you're generating an Excel print preview (for the purpose of printing a hard copy directly):

Switch to another physical printer if present. If no other physical printer is present, please refer to the instructions above for generating a PDF preview.

For both cases, please remember to switch the printer if necessary when printing non-OnGrid files in Excel.

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